2002 Empress Press Releases
April 19, 2002
Empress Software Delivers Embedded Real-Time Toolkit
March 26, 2002
Empress and Tilcon Empower QNX® Developers
2001 Empress Press Releases
June 27, 2001
New Empress DB Pipe Connects QNX® to Microsoft SQL Server®
April 27, 2001
Empress Data Management System Complies
with Section 508 of U.S. Federal Government's Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards
2000 Empress Press Releases
November 13, 2000
New Empress Database for QNX® Neutrino® RTOS
Available Free for Non-Commercial Use
July 19, 2000
EMPRESS RDBMS Supports Embedded Linux, LynuxWorks' BlueCat Linux
May 15, 2000
Empress Database Now Available on Real-time Platform, QNX® Neutrino®
January 26, 2000
Empress Database Now Available on Free, Open-Source Operating
System, FreeBSD
1999 Empress Press Releases
December 8, 1999
Empress Software Introduces Linux RDBMS on Internet Server Appliance
August 18, 1999
Empress RDBMS Hot Swap Replication for Embedded Systems
August 9, 1999
Lynx and Empress Chosen for French Utility Upgrade
May 21, 1999
Empress RDBMS Provides the Database Solution to Leverage 64-bit
Computing Technology
April 23, 1999
Empress Delivers XML Support In Version 8.20
March 12, 1999
Empress Triples SQL Operations Speed, Broadens Programming Environment
in Version 8.20 Release
January 6, 1999
Empress RDBMS and HP-UX 11 Empower 64 and 32-bit Users
1998 Empress Press Releases
December 4, 1998
Empress RDBMS Offers Cross-Platform Integration With Windows
November 30, 1998
Empress Achieves Faster Performance with In-memory Speedup
September 15, 1998 Empress's C++ Interface Unleashes The Power of Object-Oriented Programming
July 29, 1998 Empress's New JDBC Interface Delivers Java Technology
July 7, 1998 Empress Delivers Next Generation Database
April 20, 1998 Empress 64-bit RDBMS Reaches New Heights With Silicon Graphics® IRIX® Operating System
January 16, 1998 Empress Internet Toolkit Deliver New Features Including Perl and Tcl/Tk
1997 Empress Press Releases
December 8, 1997 Empress RDBMS Now Available For The SCO UnixWare System
October 6, 1997 Empress Unveils Latest Internet Applications Toolkit
August 21, 1997 Empress' New TIMESERIES Index Delivers Optimal Speed
June 23, 1997 Empress Launches DB Users Into Year 2000 And Beyond
April 28, 1997 New Empress RDBMS V6.10 For Power Developers
April 21, 1997 Empress Software Joins Forces With Digital Equipment Corporation In AllConnect For UNIX Program
April 14, 1997 Empress RDBMS Now Available For Windows NT
March 31, 1997 Empress Enhances Embedded RDBMS With Web & Java
1996 Empress Press Releases
April 17, 1996
Empress Software Inc. Announces Empress DataWEB
February 5, 1996
Empress Co-Founder Meets Linus Torvalds
February 2, 1996
Empress Software Inc. Announces Personal Empress
1995 Empress Press Releases
December 15, 1995
Empress Software Inc. Announces Arrival Of Galileo
December 1, 1995
Empress Software Inc. Announces Empress Hypermedia
December 1, 1995
Empress Software Inc. Announces Empress Connectivity V2.0
December 1, 1995
Empress Software Inc. Announces Empress For Linux V6.8
September 19, 1995
Empress HTML Toolkit Links Databases And Web Applications
September 15, 1995
Empress Software Names ACC Corp. Catalog Distributor Of Empress For Linux
June 13, 1995
Empress Software Launches Home Page on World Wide Web
May 30, 1995
Empress Software Joins Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation
May 1, 1995
Empress RDBMS Version 6.6 for Linux OS Ready to Ship
March 14, 1995
Empress Software Announces Open C API for GUI Builder