April 28, 1997 For Immediate Release
April 28, 1997 -- Greenbelt, MD. -- In the new release of Empress RDBMS V6.10, Empress Software has enhanced its BLOB handling performance for multimedia data, enabled the use of Empress Report Writer on the Internet, added a JDBC/ODBC Bridge Interface, and provided a microsecond timestamp datatype. To increase speed, reduce memory usage and optimize the transfer of BLOB data across the network, bulk segmentation facilitates the retrieval and update of specified portions of BLOB data in a record. For dynamic web information and to augment the power of an HTML application, the Empress Report Writer can be used as a CGI program. A JDBC/ODBC Bridge Interface enables Java programmers to access Empress databases through the use of standard JDBC calls. For the real-time and near-real time developers, Empress engineers have developed a microsecond timestamp which marks time to one millionth of a second and keeps dates to the year 10000.
John Kornatowski, President and CEO stated, "As a pioneer of relational database technology, Empress is constantly fine-tuning its products for the efficient management of data. We know power developers using Empress require a fast, robust and reliable database solution that fulfills their expectations of quality and performance."
Empress RDBMS V6.10 is available as a developer's toolkit which also includes an HTML toolkit, ODBC Server and Client, and Dynamic SQL. Pricing for the Empress RDBMS V6.10 developer's toolkit starts at $1000 for two users on WIN NT, $5600 for typical workstations and $22,100% for mid-range servers. The Empress RDBMS runs on all major Unix and Windows platforms including: Windows NT, Windows 95, Linux, Solaris for Intel, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM with AIX, DEC's Digital Unix, Silicon Graphics' IRIX, SCO, QNX and Lynx.
Empress Software develops and supports the Empress Relational Database Management System. The Empress RDBMS V6.10 is one of the most powerful and cost-effective development databases available for scientific and engineering organizations using Unix, Windows or real-time environments. Empress RDBMS V6.10 is capable of managing text and multimedia data in the most demanding applications such as weather forecasting, space exploration, flight simulation and geographical information systems. Embedded systems applications include image and voice management, telecommunications, medical systems and network management.
For more information about Empress, please call 301-220-1919, check our web site at www.empress.com, send e-mail to sales@empress.com, or write to us at:
Empress Software Inc. Empress Software Inc. 3100 Steeles Ave East 6401 Golden Triangle Drive Markham, Ontario, Canada Greenbelt, MD 20770, USA Phone: (905) 513-8888 Phone: (301) 220-1919 Fax: (905) 513-1668 Fax: (301) 220-1997 http://www.empress.com/ http://www.empress.com/ sales@empress.com sales@empress.com