For Immediate Release
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EMPRESS Ultra Embedded Database v10.20 Now Available for Windows
Beltsville, MD, August 01, 2008 -
Empress Software, developer of the EMPRESS Embedded Database, announces the immediate availability of the latest EMPRESS Ultra Embedded Database for Windows. Empress Ultra Embedded is one of the most powerful and cost-effective database management systems available for organizations developing embedded, real-time applications. The compact, agile, maintenance-free embedded database management system is designed especially for embedded systems, real-time, communications & networking, military & defense, process control and scientific & engineering applications.
"Rich with features, yet balanced with a small footprint and high-availability, EMPRESS Ultra Embedded Database is the product of over a decade of experience in the constantly evolving embedded arena," states John Kornatowski, president of Empress Software.
About Empress Software Inc.
Empress Software develops and supports the EMPRESS Ultra Embedded Database management system. EMPRESS is a full-featured, high-performance database layer especially designed for embedded developers operating on VxWorks, Linux, UNIX, Windows and real-time operating systems. EMPRESS has been utilized successfully in diverse embedded fields including networking & telecom, control & automation, automotive, security, military & defense, data acquisition & instrumentation. For more information, check our web site at or send e-mail to or call Empress at 301-220-1919.
Empress Software Inc. Empress Software Inc.
11785 Beltsville Drive 3100 Steeles Ave East
Beltsville, MD 20705 Markham, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 301-220-1919 Phone: 905-513-8888
Fax: 301-220-1997 Fax: 905-513-1668