For Immediate Release
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Empress Embedded Database Goes Mobile, Now Available for Windows Mobile Platform
Beltsville, MD, August 21, 2006 -
Empress Software, developer of the EMPRESS Embedded Database, announces the immediate availability of the latest EMPRESS RDBMS engine for Windows Mobile. EMPRESS Mobile features a fast, small footprint relational database, well suited to the sophisticated data management needs of mobile and embedded environments including smart phones, PDAs, and Pocket PCs.
EMPRESS Mobile is a powerful and flexible data management solution for the rapid development and deployment of database-powered applications. The full-featured EMPRESS database engine works with a variety of popular APIs including C, C++, SQL, ODBC, and JDBC, allowing developers to get up and running quickly with the interface of their choice. With EMPRESS' unique cross-platform development environment, developers can easily build applications in a Windows XP development environment, test on a Windows XP Mobile Emulator, and deploy on Windows Mobile, Windows CE or Smartphones.
"With rapid developments in technology and explosive growth in demand for mobile solutions, companies have to develop and deploy quickly in order to stay ahead of the competition," states John Kornatowski, president of Empress Software. "EMPRESS Mobile accelerates a product's time to market and reduces development costs, strong advantages in today's increasingly competitive market."
About Empress Software, Inc.
Empress Software develops and supports the EMPRESS embedded real-time data management system. EMPRESS Embedded Database is a full-featured, high-performance database engine especially designed for developers operating on UNIX, Linux, Windows or real-time environments. Empress has been utilized successfully in diverse fields including image & voice management, networking, telecom, military & defense, process control, automotive and data acquisition. For more information, please call 301-220-1919. Check our web site at or send e-mail to
Empress Software Inc. Empress Software Inc.
11785 Beltsville Drive 3100 Steeles Ave East
Beltsville, MD 20705 Markham, Ontario, Canada
Phone: 301-220-1919 Phone: 905-513-8888
Fax: 301-220-1997 Fax: 905-513-1668